Your Health Matters.

Live Happier & Healthier 

My goal is to assist individuals in conquering their health worries, experiencing optimal well-being, and flourishing!


I help people who are serious about their health actualize lifelong changes that promote feeling well in all aspects of their life.

Like a detective, through the lens of naturopathic medicine, I uncover clues about what is really going on inside your body. I use the best available evidence, combine it with information from your own body, and build a treatment plan that ensures you obtain optimal health!

I LOVE advocating for my patients to achieve the health they deserve. I’ve got your back!!

Our Story.

Scott and I met at the University of Guelph when he came back for a second degree in Applied Human Nutrition and I was completing my first in Human Kinetics. Ever since we've been sharing ideas and best practices when it comes to helping people tap into their capacity for healing and growth.

Although my practice is focused on women and family health, I collaborate with tate Body Sciences to assist them in staying evidence-based with the materials and education they produce. I often support clients of theirs in my private practice as a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine if they happen to live in Ontario, Canada.

The Latest.

You'll see my mark on tate Body Science in many of the blogs we produce, let us know what you're interested in!

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